Career Smart
Assist scholars and school leavers make informed career path choices that will lead them to their most suitable course of studies, at the most suitable college of their choice.
We offer an online assessment that identifies the potential student’s career preferences according to an evaluation of their school grades and personal interests. We then streamline their results to 1 of 3 possible career paths of interest, where they are able to choose their top 3 preferred career course offerings within that path of interest.
We want to empower the next generation with knowledge!
What we want to accomplish
career path.
Information at your fingertips
All of the above mentioned points will definitely give a student the competitive advantage when applying at a college for his/ her course of interest. Colleges like to know that students have done the necessary career path research and prefer students who are confident and know what they would like to study.
Take control of your future
Let’s get to know each other!
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Hi, my name is Marsha and I am a mom of 2 beautiful girls, a wife to my handsome husband (who is a tradesman himself) and a colleague to a wonderful group of staff at my place of work!
I have studied locally and abroad and started my journey in the TVET college sector in 2008. Since this journey commenced, I have fallen in love with this educational sector and believe that it is not advocated enough to scholars and students who
would like to pursue a career in skills!
Skills is so sexy! It drives the economy and is most times overlooked because it does not match the stigma of a university. Now I believe, that there is a place for everyone and money is everywhere!
Unfortunately, so many students do not make the much needed time and effort to truly navigate the career path most suitable for them. Over the years, I have seen first-hand (at the institution where I work) the amount of students who register for any
available course at registration and then drop out due to a loss of interest and commitment. One could debate the contributing factors that cause students to leave, but in my opinion and in brief discussions with students over the years;
it really boils down to 3 reasons:
· Lack of finances
· Socio-economic challenges
· Insufficient career guidance
Right there, no justice has been done to the student or the tax payer. The ROI (return on investment) on students who are funded by the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is shocking! Sadly, NSFAS have no control over students and their lack of commitment to complete their studies, but here is where Career Smart can assist!
Career Smart was created because I saw a need in the “student community”. The need to educate students on the variety of skilled career course options colleges (both TVET and Private) has to offer. And by doing so hope to decrease the drop-out rate
of first year college students (which currently is as high as up to 55%).
So please indulge the website, do the online assessment and make an informed Career Smart decision about your future today! As my slogan states “Educate to Elevate”. Once you know better, you do better!
God bless.
Marsha Solomon
Director and Business Owner